Zahn Canada FAQs

Zahn Canada FAQs

Welcome to the Zahn Canada Help Frequently Asked Questions Page

Please find common Website topics that are top of mind for busy online purchasers.

Online Ordering FAQs

How can I see the status of backordered items my locations have previously ordered?

How can I change the Search Method I'm using when Searching for Products on the Website?

What do the Item Status indicators mean?

How can I pay for items with a credit card?

How can I track my order?

How do I process a return online?

How can I access the safety data sheets for the items I ordered?

How long does Henry Schein keep my ordering data available in the Website Reporting Portal?

How do I remove or hide items from my account's Order History?

Administrative FAQs

How do I create or edit User Profiles on the Website?

How do I change my default start page?

How can I make a payment online?

How can I set up Auto Pay for my account?

How can I set up or manage Credit Cards for my profile?

Website Features FAQs

How do I print barcodes for all my purchased items?

How can I create or manage shopping lists?

How do I add or remove items from an E-Catalog?

How do I view and approve orders awaiting approval?

Technical Support FAQs

How can I change my current password?

What do I do if I forget my User ID or Password?

How can I change my password reminder question and answer?

How can I reset my password if I don't remember my password reminder?

How do I enable my Barcode Scanner?

Who do I contact if I'm experiencing technical issues with the Website?

How can I get additional training on the Website?

Why do I receive an error when accessing the Video Training Library page of the Help Center?